namespace cardano The root namespace for all Cardano functions and types.
namespace allegra Allegra era ledger types.
- struct Block A block block = [ header , transaction_bodies : [* transaction_body] , transaction_witness_sets : [* transaction_witness_set] , transaction_metadata_set : { * transaction_index => transaction_metadata } ]; Valid blocks must also satisfy the following two constraints: ; 1) the length of transaction_bodies and transaction_witness_sets ; must be the same ; 2) every transaction_index must be strictly smaller than the ; length of transaction_bodies.
- struct InvalidBefore invalid_before = (4, uint)
- struct InvalidHereafter invalid_hereafter = (5, uint)
- struct ProtocolVersion Represent the protocol version. The CDDL description is: next_major_protocol_version = 5 major_protocol_version = 1..next_major_protocol_version protocol_version = (major_protocol_version, uint)
- struct ScriptAll script_all = (1, [ * native_script ])
- struct ScriptAny script_any = (2, [ * native_script ])
- struct ScriptNofK script_n_of_k = (3, n: uint, [ * native_script ])
- struct ScriptPubkey script_pubkey = (0, addr_keyhash)
- struct Transaction A transaction transaction = [ transaction_body , transaction_witness_set , auxiliary_data / null ].
namespace alonzo Alonzo era ledger types.
- struct TransactionOutput TransactionOutput.
namespace babbage Babbage era ledger types.
- struct PostAlonzoTransactionOutput PostAlonzoTransactionOutput.
- struct Transaction A transaction.
- struct TransactionBody The body of a transaction.
- struct TransactionWitnessSet Structure to hold the witnesses for a transaction.
namespace bip32_ed25519 Root namespace for the BIP32-Ed25519 key classes.
- class EncryptedPrivateKey Represent an encrypted BIP32-Ed25519 private key.
- class PrivateKey Represent an BIP32-Ed25519 private key.
- class PublicKey Represent a BIP32-Ed25519 prublic key.
namespace ed25519 Root namespace for the Ed25519 classes.
- class PrivateKey Represent an Ed25519 private key.
- class PublicKey Represent an Ed25519 prublic key.
namespace shelley Shelley era ledger types.
- struct Block Represents the structure of a block on the chain.
- struct Certificate A transaction certificate (base type).
- struct GenesisKeyDelegation A genesis key delegation certificate.
- struct Header A block header header = [ header_body , kes_signature : $kes_signature ].
- struct HeaderBody A block header body header_body = [ block_number : uint , slot : uint , prev_hash : $hash32 / null , issuer_vkey : $vkey , vrf_vkey : $vrf_vkey , nonce_vrf : $vrf_cert , leader_vrf : $vrf_cert , block_body_size : uint , block_body_hash : $hash32 ; merkle triple root , operational_cert , protocol_version ].
- struct MoveInstantaneousReward
- struct MoveInstantaneousRewardsCert A move instantaneous rewards certificate.
- struct MultisigAll multisig_all = (1, [ * multisig_script ])
- struct MultisigAny multisig_any = (2, [ * multisig_script ])
- struct MultisigNofK multisig_n_of_k = (3, n: uint, [ * multisig_script ])
- struct MultisigPubkey multisig_pubkey = (0, addr_keyhash)
- struct MultisigScript
- struct OperationalCert Stake pool operational certificate.
- struct PoolParams Stake pool parameters that are recorded on-chain.
- struct PoolRegistration A pool registration certificate.
- struct PoolRetirement A pool retirement certificate.
- struct ProtocolVersion Represent the protocol version. The CDDL description is: next_major_protocol_version = 3 major_protocol_version = 1..next_major_protocol_version protocol_version = (major_protocol_version, uint)
- struct Relay A stake pool relay registration (base type).
- struct StakeCredential A stake credential.
- struct StakeDelegation A stake delegation certificate.
- struct StakeDeregistration A stake deregistration certificate.
- struct StakeRegistration A stake registration certificate.
- struct Transaction A transaction.
- struct TransactionBody The body of a transaction.
- struct TransactionInput A transaction input.
- struct TransactionOutput A transaction output.
- struct TransactionWitnessSet Represent the witness set of a transaction.
namespace stake_pool The namespace containing all Cardano Stake Pool objects.
- class ColdSigningKey A stake pool signing key (Ed25519 signing key).
- class ColdVerificationKey A stake pool verification key (Ed25519 public key).
- class DeregistrationCertificateManager An interface for managing stake pool retirement certificates.
- class ExtendedColdSigningKey A CIP-1853 stake pool signing key (extended Ed25519 signing key).
- class KesSigningKey A KES signing key used by stake pools to sign blocks.
- class KesVerificationKey A KES verification key used by stake pools to verify block signatures.
- class OperationalCertificateIssueCounter A node operational certificate issue counter.
- class OperationalCertificateManager Manage creation and serialization of node operational certificates.
- class RegistrationCertificateManager Manage creation and serialization of node registration certificates.
- class VrfSigningKey A VRF signing key used by stake pools to verify leadership selection.
- class VrfVerificationKey A VRF verification key used by stake pools to verify leadership selection.
namespace util Utility namespace.
- struct BytePacker Object for packing and unpacking bytes as integers.
- struct ArraySerializable Virtual struct defining CBOR array serializability.
- class BASE16 A static class to encode and decode bytes to and from hex strings.
- class BASE58 A static class to encode and decode bytes to and from base58.
- class BaseAddress A Cardano base address object.
- class BECH32 A static class to encode and decode bytes to and from Bech32 format.
- struct BIP39Dictionary A dictionary of 2048 BIP39 words.
class ByronAddress A Cardano Byron era address object.
- struct Attributes The attributes of a ByronAddress.
- class EnterpriseAddress A Cardano enterprise address object.
- struct KesDepth Structure that represents the depth of the binary tree.
- class KesPublicKey
- struct KesSeed Utilities for the Seed of a KES scheme.
- struct MapSerializable Virtual struct defining CBOR map serializability.
- class Mnemonic Represents a BIP39 mnemonic phrase.
- struct Rational Represent a rational number (numerator and denominator).
- class RewardsAddress A Cardano rewards address object.
- class SumKesCompactSignature KES signature in compact form.
- class SumKesPrivateKey KES private key based on the sum composition.
- class SumKesSignature KES Signature.
- struct TagSerializable Virtual struct defining CBOR tagged item serializability.
- class VRFPublicKey Represents a VRF public key.
- class VRFSecretKey Represents a VRF secret key.
namespace allegra Allegra era ledger types.