cardano::shelley::Certificate struct

A transaction certificate (base type).

CDDL description:

certificate =
  [ stake_registration
  // stake_deregistration
  // stake_delegation
  // pool_registration
  // pool_retirement
  // genesis_key_delegation
  // move_instantaneous_rewards_cert

stake_registration = (0, stake_credential)
stake_deregistration = (1, stake_credential)
stake_delegation = (2, stake_credential, pool_keyhash)
pool_registration = (3, pool_params)
pool_retirement = (4, pool_keyhash, epoch)
genesis_key_delegation = (5, genesishash, genesis_delegate_hash,
vrf_keyhash) move_instantaneous_rewards_cert = (6,

Base classes

struct cardano::ArraySerializable
Virtual struct defining CBOR array serializability.

Derived classes

struct GenesisKeyDelegation
A genesis key delegation certificate.
struct MoveInstantaneousRewardsCert
A move instantaneous rewards certificate.
struct PoolRegistration
A pool registration certificate.
struct PoolRetirement
A pool retirement certificate.
struct StakeDelegation
A stake delegation certificate.
struct StakeDeregistration
A stake deregistration certificate.
struct StakeRegistration
A stake registration certificate.

Public types

enum Type { stake_registration = 0, stake_deregistration = 1, stake_delegation = 2, pool_registration = 3, pool_retirement = 4, genesis_key_delegation = 5, move_instantaneous_rewards_cert = 6 }
The certificate type.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

Certificate(Certificate::Type t)
Construct a new Certificate object with a type.

Public functions

auto serialize() const →  std::vector<uint8_t>
Serialize the object as a CBOR byte vector.
auto serializer() const →  cppbor::Array -> auto pure virtual
Virtual method to define a serializing object.

Public variables

const Certificate::Type type
Constant certificate type (must be set on construction).

Function documentation

cardano::shelley::Certificate::Certificate(Certificate::Type t)

Construct a new Certificate object with a type.

t Type enum for the certificate (cannot be changed).