RelayA stake pool relay registration (base type).
CDDL description:
relay = [ single_host_addr // single_host_name // multi_host_name ]
Base classes
- struct cardano::ArraySerializable
- Virtual struct defining CBOR array serializability.
Public types
- enum Type { single_host_addr = 0, single_host_name = 1, multi_host_name = 2 }
- The relay type.
Constructors, destructors, conversion operators
Type relayType) - Construct a new Certificate object with a type.
Public functions
- auto serialize() const → std::vector<uint8_t>
- Serialize the object as a CBOR byte vector.
- auto serializer() const → cppbor::Array -> auto pure virtual
- Virtual method to define a serializing object.
Public variables
const Relay::
Type type - Constant relay type (must be set on construction).